Experts in the Design, Development, and Use of Serious Games
What are Serious Games?
Serious games are games whose primary purpose is something other than entertainment such as education, training, and research. Decisive-Point became one of the pioneers in this industry when, in 1990, we developed our first serious computer game for the military.
Our serious games are specially tailored to develop and hone the individual and team decision-making skills of civilian and military professionals. Our games provide an opportunity to acquire and practice the skills needed by those who face complex and dynamic situations every day. We help you develop the kind of adaptive leaders you need to competently, confidently, and successfully solve real-world problems. This is why Decisive-Point games are used at more U.S. military leader training and educational centers than any other company.
Decisive-Point is one of the most successful and respected developers in the world. With 25-years' experience in the business, we can develop serious games better, faster, and cheaper than our closest competitor. Our unique combination of innovation, experience, and proven performance make us THE industry leader. Our clients include the Department of Defense, foreign military schools, U.S. governmental agencies, large and small businesses, universities, and major city high school districts.
Our educational and training solutions include:
- Design and development of serious games
- Expert consulting services
- Game-supported leadership seminars
- Game-supported team development seminars